Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crushing On Silverware

S p o o n R i n g s.
They were popular in the
70s apparently.
This girl in my theater class last year had one
which was the first time i've ever seen such a
piece. I asked her where she got it, but it had
been a gift. ♥ ♥ I only just now thought of
looking up
"spoon rings" online. So cute!

Think of it... someone saying to you
"What a lovely spoon you have!" or
"Darling your spoon is so beautiful!"
J u s t K i d d i n g.

Mon Amour

How come I never t h o u g h t

of doing this?

It's amazingly cute!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh Cupcakes!

If there was a greek god of t-shirts

J o h n n y C u p c a k e s
(a.k.a. Johnny Earle)

would be him.

I met him last night at a lecture he did; & he's awesome!

Very funny dude. Seems chill.

I got sooooo starstruck(nervous) that i forgot to get him to sign my shirt.


!!No Pie!!

Yesterday at
school I was sitting
outside of

The Caf

on the patio at one of the
many little tables set out.

All the tables on the patio
have No Smoking
stickers, but some
creative mind had converted the burning cig into a piece of pie and

"!!No Pie!!"
I had a
s t r a w b e r r y c h e e s e c a k e

for a guilty pleasure treat right after having gotten out of my Jazz dance class. So i put my scrumptious cheesecake by it and snapped a shot.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Swallow My Tongue

i tend to have the habit of

s a y i n g t h e w r o n g t h i n g.

Sometimes because of timing...

sometimes because i don't realize how bad it is

or sometimes because i don't realize how the person i'm saying it to
will take it.

I used to like to think
i spoke my mind and was very upfront.
But as i get older
i can hurt friends, family, or myself.

i try so hard not to
but oh well.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Like Woah

Sometimes the boy is amazing
at how fast he can turn things around
and make it all better

Heavy Air

I can't breathe.

Sometimes I can't breathe.

Like my chest is too heavy with some invisible thing sitting on top,
or my lungs aren't big enough.
I'm not having a panic attack...
I just can't breathe.

Sometimes there's a reason.
sometimes there isn't.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I was aiming for a goat...

But it turned out looking like freaking Lamb Chops.
I messed up on the thought bubble, but whatever.

You tell me what you think the pink is.

Watercolors and sketch paper

***Wow, i just re-realized how
wrong the name is.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Frozen Udder Juice... yeah.

Going for some
of the world's goodies.

"ONE Cheesecake Brownie"

Spouts & Drains

You ever notice how wonderful
and relaxing the sound of the
shower running is while you're
in it?

I love mine.
It's the small, tiled, cubicle type.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk
I feel like some chocolate milk

Gramma Series - I

My sister and I were doing our math homework.

We got into doing word problems;
in which,
we both despise.

I guess she went and complained to Gramma ,
because the next thing i know
my sister comes back out to our living room and says
"Gramma says make friends with word problems."

My grandma tends to say some of the funniest things
She has such a warm, fuzzy heart.

Correction that I hate:
Turns out I heard my sister wrong.
It was my mother that said that; therefore,
this is no longer cute and hilarious.
It's just stupid.

My Tears Rolled into the Ocean

My current favorite song:

Black and Gold
-Sam Sparro

If the fish swam out of the ocean
and grew legs and they started walking
and the apes climbed down from the trees
and grew tall and they started talking

and the stars fell out of the sky
and my tears rolled into the ocean
now i'm looking for a reason why
you even set my world into motion

'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you

black and gold
black and gold
black and gold

i looked up into the night sky
and see a thousand eyes staring back
and all around these golden beacons
i see nothing but black

i feel a way of something beyond them
i don't see what i can feel
if vision is the only validation
then most of my life isn't real

'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold

It's such a great song to warmup & dance to.
It's incredible.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bummity Bum

My favorite sweater is a lazy-bum
that is so feel good.

I have... permanently[?] borrowed my Gramma's old Malibu sweater.

It's been bleached so the color is a messed up weird orangey/brown
with a teeny twist of pink on a shoulder.

I'm pretty sure the original color was a dusty rose/pink.
It's big and baggy,
great for the beach or hurried mornings to just throw it on,

and can be good for warmth, just not freezing days.

When i wear it, it's... comforting.

....i meant to paint today... like so many other days, but when i finally get home i feel way too lazy.

Simply Nice

and a quiet morning with
Copeland playing.

Quiet street sounds below and Copeland for background noise.
AM time.
& A perfect roasted brew to drink snickerdoodles down.
*Mental sigh of contentment*